About Me


My name is Spencer Robinson. I’m from from the dirty South. I’m married to a wonderful Norwegian beauty who comes from the much cleaner, prettier, and colder Norwegian south. And now we live in good ol’ Kentucky. 


After university I went to a Calvary Chapel Bible college in Germany and York. After graduating I taught 2 Corinthians in both York and Ireland. Mari and I are current SBTS students studying to get our M.A. degrees.

Since I enjoy reading books, this blog has come into being as a way for me to continue my education before, during, and after seminary. There are too many books that I wish I would have known about years ago, and there are too many books for the average person to digest in one lifetime.

Because of this, I hope to introduce you to a few of the 6,000 theological books published each year. Most of what you’ll read on here will be book reviews on issues of theology, the Bible, and how it all works together. Sometimes we’ll look at how the gears turn, and others, simply at how the car shines. You’re bound to find other rants and pointless leads here, but I’ll try to keep it interesting. If all else fails, I’ll throw in some pictures.

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If anything of significance goes on where we’re at, I’ll let you know. Maybe.


Enjoy // Nyt det.

7 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Hi Spenser, have just come across your blog from a link on Michael Heiser’s page.
    From the little I’ve seen to date may I encourage you to keep going as your comments etc are helpful.
    If you have not already come in contact with Tom Wright’s (N.T, Wright) 5 book “Christian Origins and the Question of God” I believe it would be worth the effort. It will certainly fill in some of your spare time (that you no doubt do not have.)
    Wishing you a Very Happy Christmas (in all the best meanings) and a very successful New Year for yourself and your “wonderful Norwegian beauty, Mari.”

    Michael & Karen Thompson (Perth, Australia)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t remember whether or not I’ve seen this comment before, but thank you Michael! I would like to read Wright’s book… one day! Thank you for your encouraging words. Cheers.


    2. Michael, I have listened through Wright’s first two volumes in his series. They were fantastic. I fully intend to physically read through them one day too. Wonderful.


  2. Hi, Spencer! I know it’s an older one, but thank you so much for your review of “Radical”. I appreciate your kindness and the thoughtful critique. I’ll be reading more of your reviews when I choose a book to read.

    Liked by 1 person

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